

Can I Retire At 55?

A recent Yahoo! Finance article explored the idea of retiring early at the age of 55 to see if it was feasible. We’ll break down some of issues facing folks who want to retire early on this episode, but for some additional fun let’s look at the comment section to see what questions and advice the peanut gallery has for us to consider.

Budgeting and Home Building

What are some important things to know and think about when budgeting as a young family? Also, what is the process for building a house (budgeting, financing, land ownership, etc.)?

Common Housing Questions From Retirees

Housing is a really important topic for a lot of retirees because, for many of us, it’s the biggest asset we’ll ever own or manage. We want to get that part of our financial equation correct, so it’s no surprise it takes up a nice slice of the retirement planning conversation. On this episode, we’ll cover some common housing questions from retirees and hopefully hit on an issue that might also be on your mind.

The Most Important Birthdays In Retirement Planning

There are certain age milestones where you should really pay attention to your retirement planning progress. On this episode, we’ll look at the most important birthdays as you approach retirement and cover the exact things you should be checking off your to-do list at each age.

How To Recognize Your Own Voice of Greed & Fight Against It

When it comes to your money, you might have several different voices in your head—maybe the voice of greed, or the voice of fear, and sometimes the voice of wisdom. Let’s look at some things we might hear from the voice of greed so you know how to recognize it when you hear it

Why Values Based Planning Is Essential

Putting together a solid retirement plan isn’t just about dollars and cents. We need to determine what really matters to you. Values-based planning incorporated important factors in your life like family, career, charity, and more.

Planning For Things We Can’t Predict

There are certain things in life we just can’t predict. If we knew the answers to some of these questions, planning for retirement would sure be a lot easier. So let’s see how you go about constructing a plan that addresses the kinds of questions to which you can’t possibly know the answers.

Retirement Potpourri: Fill In The Blank

Time for a little fun on this episode. We’ll use some fill in the blank prompts to spark good discussion about relationships between advisors and their clients, the stock market, common planning mistakes, and much more!

Don’t Fumble Your Retirement In The Financial Red Zone

In football, teams are extra careful not to make a mistake when they get within about 20 yards of scoring points (known as the Red Zone). They’ve typically worked hard to get to that point and don’t want to cost themselves by throwing an interception or fumbling the ball and giving it to the other team. On this episode, we’ll explore the financial equivalent of the Red Zone and discuss how you can really mess things up if you’re not careful during this phase of your life. If you’re approaching retirement, this is a fundamental conversation you won’t want to miss.