

Getting It Right: Irreversible Financial Decisions

There are plenty of decisions that you’ll make in the retirement planning process that can’t be undone, so you want to make sure that you make the right call. On this episode, we’ll explain why these decisions are so important and can’t be undone.

How Money Ads Catch Your Attention

We’re bombarded with ads each day in all forms of media. But have you ever taken a closer look at these messages? If we unpack some of these headlines and ads a little bit more, we’re able to clearly understand what emotions they’re trying to elicit. More importantly, we can figure out what companies are trying to sell us. For this episode, we just perused the internet for a couple of hours and kept track of various financial planning, investing and retirement ads we came across. Let’s pick apart these messages that popped up and see if it helps us become savvier savers.

Should You Follow These Popular Retirement Rules of Thumb?

You’ve most likely heard plenty of “rules” you’re supposed to follow to retire successfully. Some of these rules are stated so confidently, you’d be crazy not to immediately accept them as fact. But we don’t mind the threat of being called crazy, so let’s dive into some of the most popular retirement “rules of thumb” to see if they truly lead us down the path of good financial guidance or run a chance of leading us astray.

Analyzing Advice On Surviving A Bear Market

It’s no secret the stock market is in turmoil. We’re in a bear market and the R-word (recession) is getting thrown around daily. So, what can you do to survive bear markets like the one we’re in now? We’ve collected advice from various commentators and “experts” from across the country.

Can You Get An A+ On Our Retirement Planning Quiz?

Don’t dread this as much as you hated hearing these words as a kid, but it’s time for a pop quiz! We’re putting retirement planning preparedness under the microscope with 5 critical questions to which you need to know the answers. So sharpen those pencils and let’s see how ready you are for retirement.

Can I Retire At 55?

A recent Yahoo! Finance article explored the idea of retiring early at the age of 55 to see if it was feasible. We’ll break down some of issues facing folks who want to retire early on this episode, but for some additional fun let’s look at the comment section to see what questions and advice the peanut gallery has for us to consider.

Budgeting and Home Building

What are some important things to know and think about when budgeting as a young family? Also, what is the process for building a house (budgeting, financing, land ownership, etc.)?