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What Does Financial Security Mean To You?
“Financial Security” might mean different things to different people, but for nearly everyone, making sure that they achieve their own definition of security is the most important part of their retirement plan. So, how do you define financial security? On today’s show, we’ll cover some of the popular responses we hear from clients during the planning process.
Recent News Headlines & Storytime
We've got a variety of topics lined up for today. To start things off, we'll dive into some news headlines, including Brexit updates, a recent Goldman Sachs economist prediction, and recent tech company IPOs. We'll round things out with a story from Mike about a time he recommended a particular strategy to a client that he normally would not recommend.
“Fake News” Impacting Your Finances
The term “fake news” has become synonymous with the political climate of the past few years. But the phenomenon has spread to other parts of our culture as well. What about fake news in the financial space? We’ll look at some recent news headlines to see if they qualify to be labeled as “fake news”.
Don’t Utter These Famous Last Words
Hopefully your famous last words in life won’t be “Hey y’all, watch this!” And in the financial world, there’s quite a few phrases that you don’t want to be your famous last words either...
In The News & Email Questions
We take a look into the retail brick-and-mortar landscape in this week's news headlines. And later, we'll answer a few email questions from our listeners about investing in foreign currencies and preparing for a down market.
Conventional Wisdom Isn’t Always So Wise
Let’s discuss a few examples where following conventional wisdom might lead you astray.