
retirement planning

Retirees In Their 70s Regret These 5 Things

A random, retired YouTuber did a simple video exploring the top 5 regrets from other retirees he interviewed (all in their 70s). It blew up to almost half a million views (and counting). Let’s see what regrets made the list and, more importantly, explore what proactive steps you can take to avoid having the same regrets when you retire.

The Magic 8 Ball’s Guide to Retirement Planning

Remember the thrill of shaking a Magic 8 Ball to get answers to your childhood questions? Would we ace that math test? Would we be famous someday? Well, today, we're bringing a bit of that magic back. But instead of asking about pop quizzes and playground crushes, we’re turning to the Magic 8 Ball for advice on something much more important: your retirement planning! What would the Magic 8 Ball have to say about these common retirement questions if it had the wisdom of a financial advisor?

Noah’s Ark & Retirement Planning: Lessons in Preparing Ahead

Ever heard the saying, ‘Always plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark’? Well, today we're diving into that very concept. How did Noah's forward-thinking approach help him survive the flood, and what can it teach us about preparing for retirement? Tune in as we unpack the ancient wisdom of Noah’s Ark and its modern-day implications for ensuring your retirement is secure, no matter what storms might be on the horizon.

Take the Fork: Yogi’s Wisdom on Making Financial Choices

In this episode, we’re diving into some famous words by the one and only Yogi Berra. You might know him for his legendary baseball career, but Yogi was also a goldmine of wisdom. We'll spin some of his classic quotes into financial advice. It's all about viewing things through the right lens—so let's see what financial insights we can uncover from Yogi’s memorable sayings!

Your Financial Wellness Check-Up

Just like an annual checkup is important for maintaining good health, performing regular financial checkups is an essential part of planning for a healthy and successful retirement. By regularly assessing your budget, goals, and progress, you can make informed decisions to keep your finances on track. Although financial wellness is going to look different for everyone, we’ll share some areas you should be paying attention to in today’s episode.

Retirement Planning Is Harder Than It Used To Be (Part 2)

Every generation likes to talk about how much harder things used to be when they were kids. Like all of the people who used to have to walk five miles to school, in the snow, uphill both ways. But they had at least one thing that was EASIER...and that was retirement planning. Let’s talk about why on today’s episode. Let’s continue our conversation on why this is in today’s episode.
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