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Financial Terms You Should Know During The Pandemic
The Coronavirus pandemic has likely led to you hearing a lot more financial buzzwords and it’s possible you aren’t familiar with some of the terms getting thrown around. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular ones and see what we can learn from them.
Coronavirus Update – The Cares Act
In wake of the financial impacts COVID-19 has had on the economy, Congress just passed a bill call the CARES Act. We talk about the main points of this bill and how it could possibly benefit you and your family.
Solid Financial Truths
A lot of things in the financial landscape have an “it depends” resolution. It can be frustrating when things are so fluid and vary person to person. So, let’s discuss some financial truths that we can state with confidence and see what we can learn from them.
Market Update (3/9/2020)
At the time of this podcast recording, 3/9/2020, the market dropped pretty significantly. We discuss why this is happening and why a plan is key in order to sustain big drops when they do occur.
How To Set Financial & Retirement Goals
We talk all the time about how people need to give their dollars purpose or set goals for their retirement and even specifically for certain investments. But let’s dive deeper into what different goals look like for various folks approaching retirement. How do you determine if a goal is realistic or out of reach? We’ll tackle that conversation with plenty of examples on this episode.
Basis Points
Today's episode focuses on what basis points are and why it is important for you to understand this financial term. We also address an email question from Miles who asks if it is okay to work with multiple financial advisors.