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The Truth About Longevity Risk
Living a long time isn’t supposed to be a bad thing and it almost seems counterintuitive to categorize it as a risk. But it is. Let’s take a look at how longevity plays a role in a financial plan and have an honest conversation about how deal with the “problem” of living too long.
Financial Issues That Are Particularly Challenging For Women
Many financial issues impact us all the same. But, of course, other challenges have varying impacts from person to person because our situations are all unique. Let’s take a look at some of the financial and retirement challenges that are unique to women.
4 Milestones That Say You’re Ready For Retirement
A recent USA Today article outlined 4 financial milestones that should indicate you’re ready for retirement if you hit them.
Cracking Open The Financial Dictionary
Step into the classroom and let’s take a look at some financial terms, define them, and find out if they’re important for the typical investor and saver to know about them
Investing Like A Genius
People are always studying geniuses and highly intelligent people, trying to get an understanding of what makes them tick. Let’s look at some of the common characteristics of highly intelligent people that you should apply to your financial life.
Financial “Strategies” That Just Don’t Work
Let’s talk about some financial planning “strategies” that don’t really work (even though some people, even some financial advisors, believe in them).