Moving Your Retirement Goalposts: Is It Worth The Risk?
Do you ever feel like your retirement planning goals are always moving? You're not alone. We’ve found that people often move the goalposts in their own retirement planning, often to their detriment. In this episode, we're diving deep into the psychology of retirement planning and the dangers of moving the goalposts.
Medicare 101: What You Need To Know About Medicare Before Retirement
Are you confused about the four different parts of Medicare and what they each do? Tune in to today’s podcast episode where we'll be breaking down the ins and outs of Medicare and help you understand the basics of this important healthcare program. But don't be fooled, Medicare isn't free and doesn't cover everything you'll need in retirement. From routine eye exams to long-term care, we'll also discuss the services that Medicare doesn't cover and the importance of having a comprehensive retirement plan in place. Join us as we navigate the crucial world of Medicare.
5 Beneficiary Mistakes: Are You Accidentally Spoiling Your Retirement Plan?
On this episode, we’ll address five, unfortunately, common beneficiary mistakes. Are you making one of these beneficiary mistakes? If so, it could cost you and your loved ones dearly. Some of the simplest mistakes can completely spoil an otherwise well done retirement plan.
Can You Get An A+ On Our Retirement Planning Quiz?
Don’t dread this as much as you hated hearing these words as a kid, but it’s time for a pop quiz! We’re putting retirement planning preparedness under the microscope with 5 critical questions to which you need to know the answers. So sharpen those pencils and let’s see how ready you are for retirement.
Why Retirement Planning Ain’t What It Used To Be
In some ways, retirement planning was easier for past generations. Let’s explore how a good financial advisor helps people overcome the additional challenges of today.
Why Values Based Planning Is Essential
Putting together a solid retirement plan isn’t just about dollars and cents. We need to determine what really matters to you. Values-based planning incorporated important factors in your life like family, career, charity, and more.
Planning For Things We Can’t Predict
There are certain things in life we just can’t predict. If we knew the answers to some of these questions, planning for retirement would sure be a lot easier. So let’s see how you go about constructing a plan that addresses the kinds of questions to which you can’t possibly know the answers.
A 5 Question Retirement Preparedness Quiz
Want to grade your preparedness for retirement? Here are five key questions you need to ask yourself. Your answers will help determine how ready you are for retirement.
Is Diversification For Suckers?
If you look up quotes about diversification from famous investors, you might come across one from renowned investor Warren Buffet that will certainly raise your eyebrows. It goes, “Diversification is protection against ignorance. It makes little sense if you know what you are doing.” Yet, we’ve always heard about diversification being one of the keys to success for retirement planning. How can these seemingly different ideas both be right?
Secure Act 2.0
Earlier this year, we had the passing of the SECURE Act. Now there is talk about a SECURE Act 2.0. We discuss the different components that are being proposed and how it may affect you down the road.