Where Crisis & Opportunity Meet

By |2022-09-09T22:56:34+00:00May 6th, 2021|Podcast|

To write the Chinese word for “crisis,” you combine elements of two different Chinese characters. One character means “danger” while the other one means “opportunity.” Translated into English, it means “opportunity riding on a dangerous wind.” Let’s discuss how some of these crises might actually be opportunities, depending on your situation and perspective.

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What Are The Three Qualities Of Money?

By |2022-09-09T22:59:39+00:00January 14th, 2021|Podcast|

If you don’t know the answer to the question, then this episode is for you. On this episode, we’ll explore the three qualities of money, discuss whether you can achieve them in a single investment, and how to put the right emphasis on the different qualities. It’s really quite basic, but understanding these fundamentals can make an enormous difference in your financial life.

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How To Set Financial & Retirement Goals

By |2022-09-09T23:51:37+00:00February 20th, 2020|Podcast|

We talk all the time about how people need to give their dollars purpose or set goals for their retirement and even specifically for certain investments. But let’s dive deeper into what different goals look like for various folks approaching retirement. How do you determine if a goal is realistic or out of reach? We’ll tackle that conversation with plenty of examples on this episode.

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Even Responsible Savers Make Mistakes

By |2019-09-19T05:00:42+00:00September 19th, 2019|Podcast|

Even for people who have been very responsible with their money over the years, entering retirement can still be a challenge because it’s such a different stage of life. Let’s talk about some of the missteps that even responsible savers can make...

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