The Things That Don’t Matter… Until They Do

By |2022-09-09T22:49:25+00:00July 22nd, 2021|Podcast|

Fire extinguishers, airbags in your car, and smoke alarms in your house are all examples of things in life that don’t really seem to matter until they’re the only thing that matters. On that rare occasion when you need one of those items, you’ll either be very glad that you have one, or really regretting the fact that you don’t. Let’s talk about some of the things in the financial world that don’t matter until they do.

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Where Crisis & Opportunity Meet

By |2022-09-09T22:56:34+00:00May 6th, 2021|Podcast|

To write the Chinese word for “crisis,” you combine elements of two different Chinese characters. One character means “danger” while the other one means “opportunity.” Translated into English, it means “opportunity riding on a dangerous wind.” Let’s discuss how some of these crises might actually be opportunities, depending on your situation and perspective.

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