Should You Follow These Popular Retirement Rules of Thumb?
You’ve most likely heard plenty of “rules” you’re supposed to follow to retire successfully. Some of these rules are stated so confidently, you’d be crazy not to immediately accept them as fact. But we don’t mind the threat of being called crazy, so let’s dive into some of the most popular retirement “rules of thumb” to see if they truly lead us down the path of good financial guidance or run a chance of leading us astray.
Analyzing Advice On Surviving A Bear Market
It’s no secret the stock market is in turmoil. We’re in a bear market and the R-word (recession) is getting thrown around daily. So, what can you do to survive bear markets like the one we’re in now? We’ve collected advice from various commentators and “experts” from across the country.
Things That Your Advisor Should Be Doing
We see a lot of people who aren’t getting the kind of advice and service from their financial advisor that they should be. In a lot of cases, the advisor is only “managing the investments,” but not providing guidance in other areas. Let’s talk about some of the things that your advisor should be doing.
5 Things You Must Know About Decumulation To Retire Successfully
So much focus in the financial world revolves around accumulating money. There’s all sorts of advice, how- to guides and guardrails in place when it comes to saving and investing, but a lot less resources out there to help retirees navigate the period of time after retirement. This is known as decumulation, the spending down and managing of the assets you’ve accumulated through your life. And on this episode, we’ll point at (at least) 5 things you must know about decumulation to retire successfully.