

Counterintuitive Advice: Why You Should NOT Invest In A 401(k)

Don’t get us wrong. In many cases, your 401(k) can be your best investment vehicle, offering numerous benefits and tax advantages and many times a 100% return on some of your contributions (also known as an employer match). However, it's important to recognize that it might not always be the optimal choice for everyone. Join us in this thought-provoking episode as we dissect the reasons why someone should NOT invest in a 401(k).

The Top 5 401(k) Mistakes You Need To Avoid

Saving in your 401(k) can be an easy and painless way to build your retirement savings. But because it’s so easy and painless, it can also be easy to ignore for long periods of time, which often leads to mistakes. We’ll cover at least the top 5 mistakes people make in their 401(k)s.