Investing in a Time of Chaos

The market has been on a wild ride and there is a lot of fear and anxiety about how this market downturn will affect the plans many have made for retirement and other goals.  We are facing double-digit inflation that hasn’t been seen in 40 years, a war of aggression in Europe, threats from China toward Taiwan, the higher-than-normal interest rate boosts from the U.S. Federal Reserve, supply chain disruptions causing shortages, huge increases in the price of gasoline, and it seems to go on and on.  There may be a new issue that has raised its head by the time you read this!  What is the prudent investor to do to protect the money they have worked hard to accumulate and invest wisely?  Is it time to do something different?

Those and other questions will be answered in our presentation, “Investing in a Time of Chaos” that we want to share with you on Tuesday, July 19th at 11:00 AM followed by lunch.  There is no sense in being scared and fearful without finding answers to the questions you may have.  There are proposed coursed of action that are coming at you from all quarters.  We want to give you a road map to navigate the chaos we are experiencing now and will experience in the future without panicking.  Come join us for this event and bring your guests (family, friends, business associates) to hear this timely information.  Bring your questions and we will respond to them.

July 19th 11AM  |  Tuesday  |  The Palisades Country Club

13704 Grand Palisades Parkway Charlotte, NC 28278