
social security

Understanding the 2023 Social Security Changes, Part 2

Welcome back to the Strategic Planning Podcast! In this episode, we're jumping back into part two of Mike's recent webinar. In it, Mike explores the critical Social Security and RMD (Required Minimum Distribution) updates for 2023 that you don't want to miss. Whether you're planning for retirement or looking to optimize your current Social Security strategy, tune in to stay up-to-date on the changes taking place.

Understanding the 2023 Social Security Changes

In this episode, we're going to listen to a webinar that Mike recently put on that covers the key Social Security and RMD updates for 2023. In it, he discusses the complex landscape of COLA increases, the earnings test threshold, Social Security payroll taxes, Medicare Part B premiums, and more. Whether you're planning for retirement or looking to optimize your current Social Security strategy, this episode is a must-listen.

How Money Ads Catch Your Attention

We’re bombarded with ads each day in all forms of media. But have you ever taken a closer look at these messages? If we unpack some of these headlines and ads a little bit more, we’re able to clearly understand what emotions they’re trying to elicit. More importantly, we can figure out what companies are trying to sell us. For this episode, we just perused the internet for a couple of hours and kept track of various financial planning, investing and retirement ads we came across. Let’s pick apart these messages that popped up and see if it helps us become savvier savers.

“Fake News” Impacting Your Finances

The term “fake news” has become synonymous with the political climate of the past few years. But the phenomenon has spread to other parts of our culture as well. What about fake news in the financial space? We’ll look at some recent news headlines to see if they qualify to be labeled as “fake news”.